ICED offers research, consultancy and training services about solutions and business models on the basis of a circular economy approach for many diverse fields as follows:

Urban Areas & industrial zones

  • Developing and advising on the legal and policy framework; analysing the criteria to build circular economic models, which suit practical conditions.
  • Building circular economic models for urban areas and industrial zones, which are associated with emerging issues such as waste treatment, energy, food, water supply, smart city, and eco-industrial park, etc.
  • Providing consultancy and transferring solutions and technologies related to circular economic issues of urban areas and industrial zones.


  • Researching and evaluating the efficiency/effectiveness models and waste circulation in agroforestry.
  • Researching mechanisms and policies to encourage the application of circular economy principles in agroforestry.
  • Developing and continuously improving circular economic model in agroforestry, making use of waste sources as agricultural by-products to develop useful, creative, and value-adding solutions for agroforestry activities.
  • Researching applications of IoT, blockchain in agroforestry.

Islands & Coastal Cities

  • Surveying the conditions for promoting circular economy on islands, building policy-oriented frameworks for circular economy-related areas.
  • Providing solutions for renewable energy, autonomy in domestic water sources, and solid waste.
  • Continuously monitoring and improving solutions following the actual development of the islands towards “zero waste”.
  • Merging island economy with marine economy to stabilize economic development and national security.

Emerging Areas (plastic waste, renewable energy, electronic waste)

  • Researching and developing suitable economic models, policies and solutions related to the recycling management of plastic waste and renewable energy.
  • Researching, transferring, and applying the circular technologies and solutions related to plastic waste and renewable energy.
  • Applying IoT and related technologies to monitor and trace data in these fields.