ICED focuses on developing research studies in 4 following topics in accordance with the science and technology development strategy.
(1) Circular economy solutions for urban areas & industrial zones;
(2) Circular economy solutions for bioeconomy;
(3) Circular economy solutions for islands & coastal cities;
(4) Circular economy solutions for emerging areas (plastic waste, renewable energy, electronic waste,…)
In addition, ICED actively coordinates with businesses and the government to solve new and difficult problems in the Vietnam and worldwide.
ICED provides science research solutions and consulting services on the basis of cooperation among governments- scientists – businesses and other stakeholders. Our solutions are innovative and can ve apply on different levels (business, industry, local, national). Our deliverables are business models with high economic and social value.
ICED contributes to knowledge sharing through training activities (focusing on ‘training for trainers’) to create network and increase social impact. Our training program include students, students, social organizations, businesses and government agencies.