Thực trạng và giải pháp phát triển mô hình tái chế chất thải rắn tại Việt Nam

Rác thải rắn thông thường được phân loại một cách đơn giản: rác thải rắn...

Domestic publications

2022 Lê Tân Cương, Nguyễn Văn Phước, Đỗ Thị Thu Huyền, Trần Thị Diễm Loan,...

Measuring the environmental sustainability of a circular economy

“What gets measured gets managed” - this quote by Peter Ducker reveals a pitfall for...

The history and current applications of the circular economy concept

The challenges of balancing industrial development, environmental and human health, and economic growth in China and...

Towards circular economy implementation: a comprehensive review in context of manufacturing industry

Sustainable development is high on Asia’s agenda, but how this change will come about remains highly...

ICED first publication in Cleaner Production

Dr. Nguyen Kieu Lan Phuong, Research Associate at ICED, has recently published the paper “Roles...