Circular Economic Agriculture: 2019 Business Overview

Circular Economic Agriculture: 2019 Business Overview...

Circular cities: Cities of tomorrow

Cities are being called upon, once again, to be the incubators of a better future. Enel...

Sustainable and circular business models for the chemical industry

“What gets measured gets managed” - this quote by Peter Ducker reveals a pitfall for...

The role of business models for sustainable consumption: A pattern approach

In October 2018, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a special report on the...

Measuring the environmental sustainability of a circular economy

“What gets measured gets managed” - this quote by Peter Ducker reveals a pitfall for...

The history and current applications of the circular economy concept

The challenges of balancing industrial development, environmental and human health, and economic growth in China and...

Towards circular economy implementation: a comprehensive review in context of manufacturing industry

Sustainable development is high on Asia’s agenda, but how this change will come about remains highly...

EVs, turbines, solar panels pose circular economy dilemma: NIST workshop

Representatives from throughout the supply chain recently reflected on how batteries and electronics can find...

Analysing European Union circular economy policies: words versus actions

Since the publication of the European Union’s Circular Economy Action Plan in 2015, this new...

World Bank – Webinar learning series on Circular Economy and Private Sector Development April 21, 2020- 2021 Online

The linear, take-make-dispose economy that has driven economic growth over the past several hundred years...