In 2023, the Institute for Circular Economy Development (ICED) collaborated with IfM Engage, Cambridge Industrial Innovation Policy, Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), University of Cambridge (lead) to deliver the first phase of the development of the ASEAN Plan of Action on Science, Technology and Innovation (APASTI) 2026-2035.

The objectives of the project are: a) review the implementation of APASTI 2016-2025; b) assess overall results of the ASEAN Science Technology and Innovation Fund (ASTIF); and c) recommend ways to strengthen the role and mandate of the Board of Adviser to the ASEAN Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation (COSTI).

The project is expected to contribute to strengthening of the integration and cooperation agenda of ASEAN’s STI capabilities. This includes support to all AMS to leverage the use of STI to share knowledge, research and development, technology transfers, as well as the application of STI to address ASEAN’s economic and social needs.

It is expected that, as a result of this project, COSTI will be better able to determine the direction, strategy and framework for the development of ASEAN’s STI sector in the future, specifically in the preparation of the APASTI 2026-2035.

Cambridge Industrial Innovation Policy is leading the consortium selected by the ASEAN Secretariat to implement the project. Consortium partners include the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI), the Institute for Circular Economy Development (ICED) in Vietnam, and the Thammasat Business School (TBS) in Thailand.

Source: Cambridge Industrial Innovation Policy